The lens is the photographers best friend.

Geeky Valentine's Day present.

Since we have neither the space nor the money to buy a real Piano at the moment, I decided to present my wife a MIDI-USB keyboard that she can use on my PowerBook from Apple. She loves to play but has left her 'standalone' keyboard at her home in Xi'An for her mom. So I went out to find one, and let me tell you, that…

A Sound of Thunder – Ein Zeitreise-Fiasko ohne Donnerhall

Gute Idee, schlechte Umsetzung Peter Hyams’ A Sound of Thunder basiert auf einer vielversprechenden Kurzgeschichte von Ray Bradbury – eine faszinierende Zeitreise-Prämisse, die das fragile Gefüge von Ursache und Wirkung untersucht. Doch was hier auf der Leinwand abgeliefert wird, ist ein Mix aus mittelmäßiger Regie, katastrophalen Effekten und einer langweiligen Handlung, die ihr eigenes Potenzial nicht nutzt. Die Story: Zeitreisen mit fatalen Konsequenzen Im Jahr 2055…

Desperation – Ein teuflisches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel in der Wüste

Stephen Kings Dämonen erwachen zum Leben Mit Desperation gelingt Regisseur Mick Garris eine solide TV-Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von Stephen King, die trotz beschränktem Budget die beklemmende Atmosphäre und das surreale Grauen der Vorlage weitgehend einfängt. Was Desperation auszeichnet, ist die Mischung aus klassischem Horror und einer nihilistischen Kleinstadt-Tragödie, wie sie nur King so eindrucksvoll erzählen kann. Die Story: Ein Dämon und sein teuflischer Wirt Die…

Clapton live in Shanghai.

I don't remember the exact year, but it must have been at least four or five years ago. Billy Crystal was the host of the academy awards that year and a hilarious clip was shown before the show or as advertisement: Billy Crystal goes to the cinema, buys a popcorn, goes to his theatre, sits down, watches the commercials and as soon as the movie begins,…

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance?

Geez. What a woman! Daughter can rest after 10-year hunt A 25-year-old woman from Wanzhou in Chongqing Municipality has ended a 10-year search for the man who sold her mother and killed her father, delivering him to police custody in September. In 1992, Wang Wenlong, a farmer in Wanzhou, sold Chen Xia's mother to a farmer in Sheqi County, Henan Province. Chen and her father tracked…

My computer, my programs.

HDR 01 - My Desktop. Gotta clean it sometime...

Reading about other's people computer and software is always fun, so why shouldn't I share my system information and software with you? Maybe nothing in this entry is new to you, but maybe you'll find something you didn't know before. Maybe you recently switched to Mac system and you want to know about cool software? Who knows! Let's get started. This is my setup, as in the picture above: I got a Apple PowerBook G4 with 17" from 2005 (yeah, I don't have the money to witch to a new system every year...), additionally I got a 250 Gigabyte sized external hard-drive from Maxtor, a Mighty Mouse, a Logitech headset for Skype and Sharp stereo boxes - for music, what else! What I do? I create web-sites (for fun, mostly), edit images, create video pod-casts and lots more.

Boom Shakalaka.

Apple's new iPhone. Let's start saving!

Honeymoon in Europe!

Being 25 years old, you usually don't get a kick out of christmas anymore. Sure, it's nice to have that one special day that you can spend with your family, but let's be honest, it was way more fun when we were children and got presents and stuff. This year was completely different. My grandmother actually managed to bring together the whole family from one side…

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