Top topic among people in the wife's and mine age rank this spring festival: the stolen sex tape pictures from Hong Kong star Edison Chen, the Sexgate. So this dude is a famous singer slash actor, and bedded recently quite an impressive amount of chinese female stars (god knows how many before, the thieves probably didn't steal all his tapes, and he probably didn't film every…
"Dangerous" was probably the album I listened to the most as a young, dumb boy. And I absolutely loved Michael's great music videos on Mtv, too! I guess I'm one of the hardcore fans from him. Anyway, his last two or three albums were really bad, so I had almost forgotten about him. Well, his music, in the news he appeared more than enough, didn't he?…
My wife, my parents-in-law and myself had a nice little Mahjong session just now. Real chinese Mahjong is played with 136 tiles which contain about 30 different characters, so that each one is about four times to be found in the game. Sounds a lot like Poker, doesn't it? Wikipedia tells me that the game may have been invented 500 years before christ by a guy…
Die Handlung als Spiegel der Sensationsgier Die Idee hinter The Condemned ist simpel, aber effektiv: Ein skrupelloser TV-Produzent organisiert ein mörderisches Spektakel, bei dem zehn zum Tode verurteilte Straftäter:innen auf einer abgelegenen Insel ums Überleben kämpfen. Nur wer als letzte:r überlebt, erhält die Freiheit. Die Kämpfe, gefilmt von hunderten Kameras, werden live im Internet übertragen – Zuschauer:innen zahlen 50 Dollar, um das blutige „Spiel“ zu verfolgen.
Ein frischer Wind im Horror-Genre In einer Zeit, in der das Horror-Genre von unzähligen Remakes und Sequels dominiert wird, bietet The Return von Regisseur Asif Kapadia eine willkommene Abwechslung. Es ist ein Film, der nicht auf Schockeffekte und Jumpscares setzt, sondern auf subtilen Grusel, bedrückende Atmosphäre und eine unaufgeregte, aber dennoch faszinierende Erzählweise. Hier geht es nicht um Monster, sondern um die inneren Dämonen der Hauptfigur…
Ein Psychothriller vor der Kulisse einer rastlosen Metropole Regisseurin Shaohong Li inszeniert mit The Door einen intensiven, atmosphärisch dichten Thriller, der die Abwärtsspirale eines Mannes inmitten der gewaltigen, sich ständig wandelnden Kulisse von Chongqing – einer Stadt mit 32 Millionen Menschen – nachzeichnet. In bester Cronenberg-Manier verschwimmen hier Realität und Fantasie, während der Zuschauer Stück für Stück in die finsteren Gedankenwelten der Hauptfigur Jiang hineingezogen wird.
Yesterday was the first official day of the german festival here in Nanjing. The first act on the big stage, where I got an job as a camera man, was a chinese orchestra which performed german classic songs. Was nice. But then came the main event: The german-nationally famous electronic pop band called '2raumwohnung' and boy did they make the chinese people dance! The audience was…
Confusing headline? You should have seen me when I was standing in the fake forbidden palace! Hengdian World Studios is the name of the crazy movie studio that 'rebuild' the forbidden city for cinematic purposes. And not only Beijing, but they also copied some buildings from Xi'An, Hongkong, Guangzhou and other cities. I didn't know this, but quite a few big movie titles were completely or partly shot here: Gong Li's THE EMPEROR AND THE ASSASSIN, Zhen Kaige's horrible THE PROMISE and last but not least Zhang Yimou's latest drama THE CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER. And countless chinese TV series, as it seems.