The lens is the photographers best friend.

Chengdu to Chongqing.

I went with a colleague to Chengdu in the Sichuan province of China for some business, and after we did our stuff thee, we took a train to go to Chongqing for some more business. During the four hour long train-ride I realized that Sichuan is the Tuscany of China with it's gorgeous yellow flower fields and the beautiful dark red earth everywhere. What a sight!

You son of a bitch.

I don't know who you are, you piece of shit, but I hope the battery of my iPod you stole today explodes in your face! What a great move to steal the iPod out of my wife's pocket while she was entering the subway, you can be damn proud of yourself! I hope you get your hands chopped off in a accident, you sneaky bastard! Because…

Lantern festival in Yu Garden.

Despite the fact that every person had to pay 30 kuai (if you arrived after seven, that is), we went to the Yu Garden lantern festival. It was full like hell, but quite interesting, as the whole area was filled with, well, lanterns and stuff. Around us everywhere were little children with annoying sound-lanterns, but the overall atmosphere was good. Some monks walked around, a lot…

Climbing Mount Hua.

During the chinese new year spring festival, we made a trip to the Huashan mountain. It was a two hour ride from Xi'An. We had to wait over one hour in line, until we finally sat down in a cable car and started going to the top of the mountain. I took my Canon XL1s camera on the trip - this is the result.

'Hainan Airline' rocks.

I flew around China with Air China, China Eastern, Southern China - but now I've got a new favorite for domestic flights: Hainan Airlines. Why? Because it's so damn relaxing. At the beginning of the flight, all the flight attendants introduce themselves by saying their name and bowing down. Have you ever experienced that before? Me not. Then, the design of the chairs: On the sheets…

Geeky Valentine's Day present.

Since we have neither the space nor the money to buy a real Piano at the moment, I decided to present my wife a MIDI-USB keyboard that she can use on my PowerBook from Apple. She loves to play but has left her 'standalone' keyboard at her home in Xi'An for her mom. So I went out to find one, and let me tell you, that…

A Sound of Thunder – Ein Zeitreise-Fiasko ohne Donnerhall

Gute Idee, schlechte Umsetzung Peter Hyams’ A Sound of Thunder basiert auf einer vielversprechenden Kurzgeschichte von Ray Bradbury – eine faszinierende Zeitreise-Prämisse, die das fragile Gefüge von Ursache und Wirkung untersucht. Doch was hier auf der Leinwand abgeliefert wird, ist ein Mix aus mittelmäßiger Regie, katastrophalen Effekten und einer langweiligen Handlung, die ihr eigenes Potenzial nicht nutzt. Die Story: Zeitreisen mit fatalen Konsequenzen Im Jahr 2055…

Desperation – Ein teuflisches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel in der Wüste

Stephen Kings Dämonen erwachen zum Leben Mit Desperation gelingt Regisseur Mick Garris eine solide TV-Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von Stephen King, die trotz beschränktem Budget die beklemmende Atmosphäre und das surreale Grauen der Vorlage weitgehend einfängt. Was Desperation auszeichnet, ist die Mischung aus klassischem Horror und einer nihilistischen Kleinstadt-Tragödie, wie sie nur King so eindrucksvoll erzählen kann. Die Story: Ein Dämon und sein teuflischer Wirt Die…

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