In October 2007, I had the chance to join the JOHN RABE movie team in Shanghai and took it immediately. What followed were almost 4 months full of excitement, pain and so much learning and experience. It was the best time of my life. And now, the movie finally started running in german cinemas. It will probably also start running in China on April 29th. I…
Ein packender Einstieg in die Apokalypse Bird Box – Schließe deine Augen eröffnet mit einem intensiven und mysteriösen Szenario, das sofort fesselt: Eine Frau und zwei Kinder navigieren mit verbundenen Augen durch eine gefährliche Welt. Schon die ersten zwanzig Minuten bieten eine filmische Wucht, die an das beste Mystery-Kino erinnert, wie man es aus Stephen King-Adaptionen kennt. Regisseurin Susanne Bier gelingt es, diesen bedrohlichen Ton direkt…
It's been a long time since I last posted some of my images here. I'm trying to upload at least 5 new works every week to flickr, but recently I've fallen a bit behind - there's much business stuff going on at the moment and I've to take care of a visiting family member, too. But I managed to squeeze in some time here and there…
My brother's in town during his summer vacation, and that was reason enough to visit a fake market yesterday. He wants to stock up on some nice things. We went to the nearest one on Nanjing road, but were shocked to learn that Olympia has reached even to there. No watches available. No DVD's. No fake iPhones. Nada. Of course, they have insane amounts of faked…
My wife's cousin from Xi'An arrived yesterday. She's with us for a couple of days to brush up her english. My wife told me in the beginning that this will help her to get into a Hong Kong university. But by now I've found out much more about this topic, and it's really scary what's going on. In Europe, or at least Germany, you kind of…
I was comfortable moving to Shanghai in 2005 because I knew I had work there. Selling machines from Europe to China. Eventually, in 2006, we build up a partnership with the italian company Sinico S.p.A. - they produce tube processing automation machines. Machines, that cut long tubes in small parts and make them ready for use with operations such as facing and chamfering. These machines are…
Yesterday night, I finally managed to finish the last mission. I'm now 70-something percent through the game, only having side missions and other stuff left. But I'm not gonna play that anymore. I am so damn bored from the game! I've played GTA. GTA II. GTA III. Vice City. San Andreas. I enjoyed them all, except San Andreas, and after reading some reviews of GTA 4…
I've got a little cold from all the heat, to be more precise: From all the air conditioners standing everywhere. It's not really healthy to have sudden temperature changes from over 20 degrees, but some people simply ignore this fact. Example: When I enter our office building, the temperature changes from 38° Celsius to 20° Celsius. Is that nuts or what? Anyway, so when I got…
Ein Film, der keine Gefangenen macht Deaden liefert, was er verspricht: einen unerbittlichen, kompromisslosen Rachefilm, der in seiner Brutalität und Intensität keine Grenzen kennt. Regisseur Christian Viel und Hauptdarsteller John Fallon schaffen ein Werk, das bewusst an Klassiker des Genres erinnert, gleichzeitig aber eigene Akzente setzt. Mit einer Laufzeit von gut 70 Minuten und einem Fokus auf rohe Emotionen und extreme Gewalt lässt der Film keinen…