Die Müdigkeit des gestrigen Tages konnte ich zum Glück wegschlafen. Aber eine böse Überraschung gab es dann doch heute Morgen: Es kam nur kaltes Wasser aus der Dusche. Nachdem ich notgedrungen eiskalt duschte – was nach den ersten Sekunden tatsächlich erfrischend war – und mich fertig gemacht hatte, ging ich in den Keller. Die Heizung war aus. Ich hatte keine Zeit, mir das genau anzusehen, da…
Im Januar hatte ich einen Hörsturz. Panisch wachte ich nachts auf, lautes Piepen auf meinem rechten Ohr. Es war kein Schmerz im Sinne von physischem Schmerz, es war viel mehr psychischer Schmerz. Es tat nicht wirklich weh, aber ich merkte sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmt. Nach drei Tagen ging ich zum Arzt und wurde zunächst mit einer Kortisonbombe behandelt. Diese half, und nach einer Woche war…
The poor girl hit her head twice in the last days, and has a small fever since the last two days. She never cries hard, only wakes up at night screaming, but then she calms down quickly once she knows we are there for her. We also got a place for her in a pre-kindergarten club from June on, so her mother can finally work a…
I am writing this negative experience down to leave it behind me, to forget about and to go on, to enjoy the new life with my sweet little daughter. I am also writing it down as a warning for other foreigners, expats and Chinese people who are having a baby in Shanghai or somewhere else in China.
Never ever have your baby in a Chinese hospital.
It simply has been the worst experience in my life. I am not exaggerating. It didn’t look bad in the beginning, when it seemed really comfortable to have a hospital nearby your home. Not when we heard the price, which was a quarter of what foreign hospital charge. Not when we saw the equipment, which was modern.
But once the actual delivery of the baby started, all that went to hell in just three days.
A(n) Story / Fable / Truth / Level / Poem / Love-letter / Exposé / Thought / Encouragement / Explanation / Hope / Future? / Revealing / Life / Release / Screenplay? / Reminder / Decision / Biography? / 34341 characters long text / Analysis by Jakob Montrasio I would have never found the love of my life if Mr. Zhang wouldn't have come to Germany,…
Being 25 years old, you usually don't get a kick out of christmas anymore. Sure, it's nice to have that one special day that you can spend with your family, but let's be honest, it was way more fun when we were children and got presents and stuff. This year was completely different. My grandmother actually managed to bring together the whole family from one side…
Manchmal, wenn ich zurückdenke, glaube ich fast selbst nicht mehr, dass es diese Party wirklich gegeben hat. Es war der Sommer 2003 – der Sommer, in dem die Sonne gefühlt nie unterging und der Pool im schönsten Haus, in dem ich je gelebt habe, zum Zentrum der Eskalation wurde. Meine Eltern? In Italien. Meine Geschwister? Auch dort. Ich? Sturmfrei. Und was macht man, wenn man frisch…
In the summer of 1999, I embarked on a journey that would shape the rest of my life. After studying Japanese for a year at Hölderlin-Gymnasium Heidelberg, I had the incredible opportunity to spend three weeks in Kumamoto, Japan, as part of an exchange program between Heidelberg and its sister city. It wasn’t just my first time in Japan—it was my first trip to Asia. Looking…