Category: Italy (7)

One week in Sicily

I had always wanted to visit Sicily, and my parents surprised me with a trip for my 40th birthday. Palermo was everything I hoped for and more. The food was incredible, the architecture was beautiful, and the people were so friendly. I could easily see myself spending a lot more time here. We started our days with espresso and pastries at one of the many cafes…

The summer we never wanted to end

It's been a few weeks since our summer vacation to Italy, and we still can't stop talking about it! From the rolling hills of Tuscany to the beautiful beaches, there was so much to do and see. We spent over a week exploring cities like Florence, Pisa and Siena - each with its own unique charm. Florence, Italy was truly an amazing experience. From the beautiful…

Il matrimonio di Blanca & Flavio

On October 30th, 2021, I had the honor of attending the wedding of my cousin Flavio and his now-wife Blanca in Rome, Italy. Family and friends from all over the world came together to celebrate their love and union. My wife, daughter, and siblings also joined in on the joyous occasion. As the wedding ceremony took place, I couldn't help but feel emotional watching my cousin…

Ich bin ein Xennial, wie nett!

Nachdem das Thema Xennial in den letzten Tagen immer wieder in meinem Facebook Feed aufgepoppt ist, hab ich mir es mal genauer angesehen und drüber nachgedacht – es ist vollkommen richtig: Als 82’er Jahrgang bin ich eigentlich weder Generation X, die die 80’er voll und ganz miterlebt haben noch ein Millenial, der die 90’er ohne die 80’er mitgenommen hat. Als 82’er habe ich das letzte Drittel…

A trip to Tuscany or how I fell in love with Bistecca alla fiorentina

Not a single day of rain during our easter-trip to Montepulciano. How lucky. Each day better weather, better food and even better sceneries. Squeezed into a tiny BMW 116i with a little Thule box on the roof, my brothers from Berlin as well as my daughter started the trip from Germany. We drove through France and Switzerland and made our first stop at the lake of…

Eine Reise in die Toskana oder wie ich Bistecca alla fiorentina lieben lernte

Nicht einen Tag Regen gab es bei unserem Trip über Ostern nach Montepulciano. Was für ein Glück. Jeden Tag T-Shirt Wetter, gutes Essen, immer schönere Gegenden. Mit meinen beiden Berliner Brüdern und meiner Tochter machte ich mich, in einen kleinen BMW 116i mit Thule Dach-Box gezwängt, auf die Fahrt. Es ging durch Frankreich über die Schweiz zum ersten Stopp am Comer See. Da die gesamte Reise…

Honeymoon in Europe!

Being 25 years old, you usually don't get a kick out of christmas anymore. Sure, it's nice to have that one special day that you can spend with your family, but let's be honest, it was way more fun when we were children and got presents and stuff. This year was completely different. My grandmother actually managed to bring together the whole family from one side…

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