Category: China (8)

Blade Runner Meets MidJourney: My Journey Through a Futuristic Cyberpunk Shanghai

Hey there, fellow MidJourney enthusiasts! I'm back with another mind-blowing creation from the AI-powered platform. This time, I took a trip down memory lane and revisited my time in Shanghai from 2005 to 2011. With the help of MidJourney, I was able to bring to life my vision of Shanghai in the year 2072 - a futuristic cyberpunk paradise. For this session, I drew inspiration from…

Chongqing - intense, chaotic, exceptional

On January 3rd 2018, I embarked on a two-day photography adventure to the sprawling metropolis of Chongqing, China with my brothers Jon and Joel. This city, known for its breathtakingly beautiful architecture, was the perfect backdrop for my Leica M9 camera. As soon as we arrived, I couldn't wait to start exploring and capturing the city through my lens. We walked over 20 kilometers on the…

Kampf der Kulturen

Mal wieder eine typische Situation: Mann und Frau verstehen etwas völlig anders. Mann sieht weiß und Frau sieht schwarz. Yin und Yang. Der Kampf der Kulturen geht los. Und wieder einmal endet das ganze in einem gigantischen Streit, der sich den gesamten Abend einverleibt, bis man sich kurz vorm Schlafengehen versöhnt und Gute Nacht sagt. Warum passiert das immer wieder, in sporadischen Abständen? Ist das normal?…

Ich bin ein Xennial, wie nett!

Nachdem das Thema Xennial in den letzten Tagen immer wieder in meinem Facebook Feed aufgepoppt ist, hab ich mir es mal genauer angesehen und drüber nachgedacht – es ist vollkommen richtig: Als 82’er Jahrgang bin ich eigentlich weder Generation X, die die 80’er voll und ganz miterlebt haben noch ein Millenial, der die 90’er ohne die 80’er mitgenommen hat. Als 82’er habe ich das letzte Drittel…

The hellish birth of an beautiful angel.

Jiajia gave birth to our beautiful daughter:

Emily Fan Montrasio.

Emily Fan Montrasio
* 2010/01/23 at 4 a.m.

I am writing this negative experience down to leave it behind me, to forget about and to go on, to enjoy the new life with my sweet little daughter. I am also writing it down as a warning for other foreigners, expats and Chinese people who are having a baby in Shanghai or somewhere else in China.

Never ever have your baby in a Chinese hospital.

It simply has been the worst experience in my life. I am not exaggerating. It didn’t look bad in the beginning, when it seemed really comfortable to have a hospital nearby your home. Not when we heard the price, which was a quarter of what foreign hospital charge. Not when we saw the equipment, which was modern.

But once the actual delivery of the baby started, all that went to hell in just three days.

A trip to Wuzhen

Wuzhen is a beautiful and historic city located in the northeastern part of China's Zhejiang Province. It is well-known for its picturesque canals, traditional architecture and rich cultural heritage. The city is an important tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world who come to explore its charming streets, ancient bridges and peaceful water towns. Wuzhen has a history that dates back more than 1,300…

Pictures from the opening of the China Prophecy: Shanghai exhibition in the New York Skyscraper Museum.

On June 24 2009, The Skyscraper Museum in New York City opened China Prophecy: Shanghai, a multi-media exhibition that examines Shanghai's evolving identity as a skyscraper metropolis. Featuring models of the major iconic structures, including Jin Mao, Tomorrow Square, Shanghai World Financial Center, and the new super-tall Shanghai Tower, as well as computer animations, film, drawings, and historic and contemporary photography of the city, the exhibition…

Thank you, Mr. Zhang!

A(n) Story / Fable / Truth / Level / Poem / Love-letter / Exposé / Thought / Encouragement / Explanation / Hope / Future? / Revealing / Life / Release / Screenplay? / Reminder / Decision / Biography? / 34341 characters long text / Analysis by Jakob Montrasio I would have never found the love of my life if Mr. Zhang wouldn't have come to Germany,…

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