THE EXPENDABLES (2010): A Muscle-Bound Reunion
On paper, The Expendables sounds like every action fan’s dream come true. A movie that assembles the greatest action stars of the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s—Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, and, yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger—should be nothing short of spectacular. It should’ve been the cinematic equivalent of a massive fireworks show, a celebration of over-the-top violence, cheesy one-liners, and macho camaraderie. But in execution, The Expendables is a frustratingly bland and uninspired affair that squanders its all-star cast on a generic plot, murky action sequences, and surprisingly lifeless energy.
Schwarzenegger’s brief cameo in the film is perhaps a metaphor for the movie as a whole: all hype, little substance. While The Expendables has its moments of testosterone-fueled fun, it ultimately feels like a missed opportunity—a collection of aging legends going through the motions rather than delivering the explosive spectacle fans deserved.
A Plot That’s As Disposable as the Title Suggests
The story of The Expendables is as standard as it gets: a group of elite mercenaries, led by Barney Ross (Stallone), is hired to overthrow a dictator on the fictional island of Vilena. But what starts as a simple mission soon becomes complicated when the team realizes the dictator, General Garza (David Zayas), is just a puppet for a rogue CIA agent, James Munroe (Eric Roberts). Along the way, there’s betrayal, redemption, and plenty of explosions.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve seen it all before—in better movies. The plot lacks any real sense of urgency or stakes, and the characters are so thinly drawn that it’s hard to care about what happens to them. Compare this to Predator (1987), where Schwarzenegger and his team of commandos are dropped into a jungle and methodically hunted by an alien. That film had a simple premise, but it was executed with razor-sharp precision, building tension and creating memorable characters along the way. The Expendables feels more like a paint-by-numbers action flick that forgot to add any personality.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Cameo: All Sizzle, No Steak
Much of the hype surrounding The Expendables came from the promise of seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Bruce Willis sharing the screen for the first time. And while this iconic trio does technically appear together in a single scene, the result is shockingly underwhelming.
Schwarzenegger plays Trench Mauser, a rival mercenary leader who briefly shows up to exchange some banter with Stallone’s Barney Ross. The scene, set in a church, is little more than a glorified cameo, and it feels like an afterthought rather than a meaningful part of the story. Schwarzenegger is given a few throwaway lines, including a joke about him wanting to be president (a nod to his time as California’s governor), but it’s all painfully unfunny and lacks any real spark.
For fans of Arnold’s larger-than-life persona—whether as the unstoppable T-800 in The Terminator or the wisecracking action hero in Commando—this cameo is a massive letdown. Instead of contributing to the film’s energy, it feels like a self-indulgent nod to the audience, a “Hey, look who we got!” moment that doesn’t go anywhere.
Action Without Impact
If there’s one thing an action movie like The Expendables should deliver, it’s thrilling, pulse-pounding set pieces. Unfortunately, the action here is a mixed bag. While there are plenty of shootouts, fistfights, and explosions, the sequences are poorly edited and lack the clarity and creativity that define great action filmmaking.
The movie’s reliance on shaky cam and rapid-fire cuts makes it hard to follow what’s happening, and the lack of inventive choreography leaves the action feeling generic. Compare this to Schwarzenegger classics like True Lies (1994), which featured impeccably staged stunts (a harrier jet rescue, anyone?) or Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), where every action beat felt monumental. In The Expendables, the action is forgettable and often exhausting to watch.
Even the film’s climactic battle, which sees the team storming General Garza’s compound, feels more like a routine video game level than the epic showdown it should have been. Despite the overwhelming firepower on display, there’s no sense of excitement or danger.
A Cast That’s Bigger Than the Movie
The cast of The Expendables is its biggest selling point, but the film struggles to juggle its star-studded lineup. Stallone, who also directed the film, gives himself the lion’s share of the screen time as Barney Ross, but his character is little more than a grizzled stereotype. Jason Statham fares slightly better as Lee Christmas, the team’s knife-throwing specialist, but his subplot involving an ex-girlfriend feels like filler.
Jet Li, an incredible martial artist, is criminally underutilized, reduced to comic relief and a couple of brief fight scenes. Dolph Lundgren’s character, Gunner, gets a mildly interesting arc involving betrayal and redemption, but it’s not enough to save the film. Mickey Rourke, as the team’s tattooed weapons supplier, delivers a surprisingly heartfelt monologue about his past, but his character barely factors into the story.
And then there’s the villain, played by Eric Roberts. While Roberts is clearly having fun chewing the scenery as the slimy CIA agent, his character is so generic and one-dimensional that he never feels like a real threat. Compare this to Schwarzenegger’s unforgettable rogues’ gallery—whether it’s the Predator, the T-1000, or even the sadistic Captain Bennett in Commando—and it’s clear that The Expendables lacks a worthy antagonist.
What’s Missing: Fun and Self-Awareness
The biggest problem with The Expendables is that it takes itself too seriously. A movie like this, packed with action legends, should have embraced its own absurdity and leaned into the campy, larger-than-life vibe that made those stars famous in the first place. Instead, the film is grim and joyless, weighed down by an overly serious tone and clunky dialogue.
Compare this to Schwarzenegger’s Commando (1985), which reveled in its ridiculousness while still delivering incredible action. In Commando, Schwarzenegger’s one-liners were as explosive as his grenades, and the film’s sense of humor made it endlessly rewatchable. The Expendables could have used some of that self-aware charm, but instead, it feels like a grim slog through generic action movie territory.
Final Thoughts: Disposable Entertainment
The Expendables had all the ingredients to be a love letter to the action genre—a cast of legends, a big budget, and a concept designed to appeal to fans of ‘80s and ‘90s blockbusters. But instead of delivering on its promise, it feels like a half-hearted effort that never lives up to its potential.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cameo is emblematic of the movie as a whole: a brief, underwhelming appearance that promises greatness but delivers mediocrity. While later entries in the series (The Expendables 2 in particular) would improve on the formula by adding more humor and energy, this first outing feels like a missed opportunity.
If you’re a die-hard fan of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, or old-school action movies, The Expendables might scratch a nostalgic itch—but don’t expect to walk away satisfied. For a real dose of Arnold’s action greatness, stick to classics like Predator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, or even the campy fun of The Running Man. As for The Expendables, it’s exactly what the title suggests: forgettable and disposable.