The best soundtrack - ever.

The Fifth Element Soundtrack

Now that I have a digital SLR camera with the Nikon D50, my hard drive space slowly goes down. Having only 5 Gigabyte left this morning, it was reason enough for me to go through my iTunes library to kick out albums I don't ever listen to anymore. That's always fun, because you are going to find so many albums that you didn't even remember anymore - like the Fifth Element soundtrack. As soon as I found it, I started playing it - and couldn't stop anymore. Songs like "Heat", "Leeloominai" or the famous "The Diva Dance" just keep the album going, track after track. So if you haven't seen or heard this absolutely fantastic score by Eric Serra yet, now is the time! It is not only a great Science-Fiction movie, but the soundtrack really is a masterpiece. Check it out!

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