Pudong reloaded.

Regardingless to what you may have heard, Shanghai's Pudong area is kinda boring. Except for the first ten minutes, when you walk around with a open mouth wondering if you're on the set of a new SciFi movie. But after that, after seeing the Oriental pearl TV Tower and some other buildings, there is not much more. Yes, the area is cleaner than Puxi. Yes, Pudong is the financial center. Yes, yes, yes. But it has no heart, no soul, only insane buildings that seem to have randomly popped out of the ground. If you want the real Shanghai, go to Puxi. Anyway, enough bitching, I recently walked around there and took a couple of images. Instead of leaving them alone, I tried to make them look more interesting and went nuts on them with both Photomatix and Photoshop. HDRI: full power! I hope you like the result.

2007: Shanghai

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