Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa.

I've got a little cold from all the heat, to be more precise: From all the air conditioners standing everywhere. It's not really healthy to have sudden temperature changes from over 20 degrees, but some people simply ignore this fact. Example: When I enter our office building, the temperature changes from 38° Celsius to 20° Celsius. Is that nuts or what?

Anyway, so when I got a cold, my wife was so sweet and went to buy me some chinese medicine. She came back with a bottle containing dark fluid, the name of the medicine was the same as this title's post: Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa.

It tastes damn good, and my eyes went big when I read through the ingredients.

Here's what's in this medicine:

  • Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb
  • Loquat Leaf
  • Fourleaf Ladybell Root
  • Indian Bread
  • Pummelo Peel
  • Platycodon Root
  • Prepared Pinellia Tuber
  • Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
  • Snakegourd Seed
  • Common Coltsfoot Flower
  • Thinleaf Milkwort Root
  • Bitter Apricot Seed
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Liquorice Root
  • Almond Extract
  • Menthol
  • Honey
  • Maltose
  • Syrup

I thought of the beginning scene from END OF DAYS, where big hero Arnie mixes whatever he finds laying around his apartment together in a mixer for breakfast... Yummy!

Seriously though, this medicine tastes good and calms my throat down like nothing I tried before.


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