Jakob Montrasio

Jakob Montrasio (224)

Back in Shanghai, at last!

That have been two damn long weeks since my last post. In the meantime I married (well, officially, with a party and stuff), traveled with 20 friends and family members to Xi'An to celebrate my wedding, after we had spend some days in Shanghai that is, then we flew from Xi'An to Beijing for some more sightseeing and partying. Sounds like fun? No, sir, sounds like…

Saturday: Moving to Pudong.

Yes, my life is in little boxes at the moment. We're moving to our new apartment on saturday, and we managed to finish packing two days in advance. Thank god I have that german will to be best prepared. For a time I even wanted to put 'I'm not handicapped, I'm german!' into the header, but I guess that'd be too much. Anyways, the only things…

Twitter blocked in China?

Uhoh. This is exactly what Safari looks like when you try to open Wikipedia or, in the past, blogger.com. Now this shows up when I try to open Twitter. I just wrote something on Twitter, then BAM! gone. Hope they're not blocking everybody's new web 2.0 darling now, too! They already killed myspace.com and are forcing everyone to go to myspace.com.cn...

Remembering The Lost Boys.

On mornings like today, I wish there'd be no internet. Then I'd have no RSS feed reader, I wouldn't have a subscription to JoBlo.com's Arrow In The Head, and I wouldn't have seen a new post called 'Lost Boys 2 begins to hire'. They are seriously going to make a sequel now? After 20 years? Are they insane? Editor Eric Walkuski has this to say: 'I…

Willkommen zum neuen Blog!

Es ist vorbei. Und es fängt an. Die Blog-WG wird geschlossen. Jakob Montrasio's Net startet durch. Hausmeister Jérôme hat uns alte WG-Mieter informiert, dass im Juni Schluss ist. Kann ich verstehen, ein Blick auf den RSS Feed der WG zeigt mir, dass in letzter Zeit nicht grade viel gebloggt wird. Auch ich habe immer weniger Zeit, um zu bloggen. Schade trotzdem. Es war eine schöne Zeit!…

Welcome to the new blog.

It's over. And it begins. The Blog-WG gets shut down. Jakob Montrasio's Net goes full power. Janitor and landlord Jérôme told us old members, that we have until June to move out. I can easily understand that, looking at the Blog-WG's RSS feed indicated that nobody is blogging seriously anymore. I blogged less and less, too. It's a pity anyway. It was a beautiful time! I…

Chongqing Taxi Driver.

I always thought the worst taxi drivers are in Shanghai, but it seems that the ones in Chongqing are quite deadly, too. The video is of course taken from the chinese movie 门 - The Door, a very cool psycho horror flick that tells the story about a guy in Chongqing who goes nuts. Interesting, last year's smash hit CRAZY STONE is from Chongqing, too. Is…

My new favorite colors.

Here are my new favorite colors. From left to right: #09f911 #029d74 #e35bd8 #4156c5 #635688 #c0. Hope you like them!

Fantastic Four in Shanghai.

So I just checked out the new 'Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer' trailer and guess what's in it: the Oriental Pearl TV Tower! Awesome, seems like Mission Impossible 3 did it's part in bringing more moviemakers to China. I wonder though, if the directors are going to show any clothes hanging around this time. Here are three screen captures, in case you don't believe…

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