2raumwohnung in Nanjing

Yesterday was the first official day of the german festival here in Nanjing. The first act on the big stage, where I got an job as a camera man, was a chinese orchestra which performed german classic songs. Was nice. But then came the main event: The german-nationally famous electronic pop band called '2raumwohnung' and boy did they make the chinese people dance! The audience was kinda calm during the first songs but then switched to dancing and clapping and whatnot. Without any alcohol! Unbelievable, I've been to some concerts but I've never seen anything like this before. Just watch the video I uploaded to get an idea (so how was I able to shoot this while I had to do my real job as a camera man? 2raumwohnung didn't need a live video stream, they had their own visuals for the background - so I was off work). YouTube is still blocked, I'll try to make some more videos while being here.

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